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The Case for the "Quiet" Activist

The Case for the "Quiet" Activist

Where does a conflict averse introvert / empath fit in to the world of social activism? 

During my stint living in London, I took a crazy long day trip to Edinburgh to join the “Make Poverty History” march during the G8 summit in 2005. Upon arrival my companions successfully manoeuvred past police to join the protest. My path was blocked by an officer who told me to get lost. So I took myself off to the nearby Fair Trade store and shopped up a storm on social impact products. The credit card is mightier than the sword?!

The Case for the "Quiet Activist" 

I might have been rubbish at waiving a protest placard but I knew I had the experience to have a good crack at starting an ethical business.  The Body Shop founder Anita Roddick's book "Business as Unusual" had sparked something in me several years prior.I desperately wanted to be part of this amazing business movement that was changing the world for the better. 

The ultimate catalyst was an episode of post-natal depression brought on in part by the steady stream of frightening world develpments that occured in 2016/17: Australia's climate change-denying government, indifference to the suffering of marginalised communities, the erosion of human rights world-wide, Trump...  

I launched Curated with Conscience to channel this concern about the state of the world into something positive that would make a real difference. 

My business idea?  Handpick the very best gifts from social enterprises, design-led ethical brands and talented Australian makers. And use my business as a vehicle to financially support the grassroots change-makers working to create a kinder, fairer and more sustainable world. 

In 2017 Curated with Conscience was born.

Where can a highly sensitive person fit in the world of activism? 

Not everyone can or wants to start an ethical business.  However there are many ways to engage in quiet yet effective activism: 

1. Volunteer for organisations that reflect your personal values. Your unique skill set will add to the collective momentum. 

2. Donate regularly to humanitarian, social justice and environmental groups. Regular monthly donations help not-for-profits better manage cash-flow and program roll-out. 

3. Actively seek outbrands with an ethical ethos to spend your money with. Consider social enterprises like STREAT, SisterWorks and Freedom Hub.  Look for B Corp certified business. The B Corp certification indicates that the business meets the highest standards for social and  environmental impact.  Choose local artisans, visit your local makers market and independent shops.

4. Don't underestimate the power your vote makes. The "teal" wave of independents that entered federal parliament in 2022 on a climate action mandate is proof of this. 

5. Next time you have a gifting occasion, we'd be thrilled if you could consider our range of premium socially conscious hampers.  You can puruse our range here: https://curatedwithconscience.com.au/collections/all

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